
Show promotion info

You can register your show with AMRAP to have a show listing where you can log your show playlist to be featured online.
This will be reviewed and may be rewritten

Promotional Images

Copyright of images; dimensions; file size and res; no guarantee will be used etc
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Max. file size: 64 MB.

Social media

We can schedule in advance – will need content by a certain date, images to be sent to. Copyright. Can’t guarantee content will used verbatim. Link to site outlining social media. Link to social media policy.
Happy to be featured on our social meda?
Something about use of their photo etc

Presenter Agreement

This presenter agreement is entered into with Bellingen Community Communications Cooperative Limited known as 2Triple B FM.
I accept the role of a broadcaster on 2 Triple B FM and agree to the following:

  1. To abide by the constitution of Bellingen Community Communications Cooperative Limited (BCCCL);
  2. To abide by the station code of ethics and community broadcasting Code of Practice;
  3. To abide by station policies, practices and procedures;
  4. To present programs at the appointed time and to make appropriate arrangements if this is not possible;
  5. To ensure that all scheduled announcements and segments are broadcast as scheduled;
  6. To not broadcast any unauthorised sponsorship announcements.
  7. To not consume alcohol or illegal substances anywhere on the premises of 2 Triple B FM;
  8. To never incur expenditure on behalf of BCCCL without prior Board approval;
  9. To use all station equipment in a responsible manner and to protect such equipment from damage;
  10. To undertake some voluntary work for 2 Triple B FM in addition to my program. Such work to be performed in any 12 month period and be negotiated with the Board of Management.

In addition, by my signature below, I acknowledge that:

  1. My program timeslot belongs to 2TripleB FM and that the station has the right to alter program schedules as it sees fit;
  2. I have a basic understanding of the role and objectives of 2 Triple B FM and the community broadcasting sector in general;
  3. I have received adequate training and induction to commence broadcasting and understand the legal obligations I have as a broadcaster; and
  4. I also understand that this agreement shall continue to have effect until it is replaced by a new agreement or if I cease to occupy a broadcasting position at 2 Triple B FM for more than twelve months.
DD slash MM slash YYYY